“The plays are fun, intelligent, warm, witty and funny. They tell stories. Like chance scenes glimpsed from the back of a speeding cab, each captures momentary insights of life and love, each sparkling like a little jewel…”
Nick Crews, Indianapolis Star
Cabfare For The Common Man
An Evening Of Plays
(Comedy, 90 Minutes, From 3 Women 3 Men to 7 Women 6 Men
many other combinations possible)
Scripted   |   Surprise   |   The Rental
Passed Hordes   |   The Kiss   |   Superhero
Produced by:
Theatre Neo, Los Angeles, CA
Phoenix Theatre, Indianapolis, IN (Equity Premiere)
DramaWorks Studio Theatre, Dublin, GA
In Players, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
Madlab Theatre, Columbus, OH (opens Sept. 2010)